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Location: Home / Races / Troll


Towering over most other races, the Trolls are an imposing presence on the battlefield and beyond. However, unlike their brutish cousins, the Ogres and Giants, Trolls possess a degree of intelligence and discipline that sets them apart. Trolls are not merely brute forces; they also have a connection to the arcane arts, allowing them to wield potent magic alongside their physical might.

Trolls are hindered by their inability to effectively heal wounds. Their regenerative capabilities are remarkable, allowing them to continuously mend their flesh, but they lack the proficiency in restorative magic that other races possess. Trolls occupy a unique niche - a blend of brawn and arcane might, tempered by their limited healing capabilities.


  • Continuous Regeneration.
  • Tick regeneration as if sleeping when not fighting.
  • Bash skill does more damage.

Starting Stats: 14 13 11 13 15 12
Training Mods: -1 0 +1 +1 -1 0

Positive training mods mean the stat is more expensive to train.
Negative training modifiers mean the stat is cheaper to train.

Resistances for the Troll race:

Bash : 0 Pierce : 0 Slash : 0
Acid : 5% Air : 5% Cold : 5%
Disease : 5% Earth : 20% Energy : 5%
Fire : -20% Holy : 5% Light : 5%
Lightning : 5% Magic : 5% Mental : 5%
Negative : 5% Poison : 5% Shadow : 5%
Sonic : 5% Water : 5%