Arisian Realm

 Creator : Alhena
 Level Range : Level 150-170 (Lock 130)
 Repop Message : Praying to the Goddess of Nature, fishermen head toward their ships.


The traveler was sitting in the small shelter, looking at the dark clouds in the distance. This was the most incredible storm he had ever seen. Magical red lightning struck the the sea in a deafening din. After a few hours, something changed suddenly. The clouds disappeared in a few minutes, and the weather was shining again. Very surprised, the man went out and looked at the sea. From the mist which was covering the ocean a few minutes ago emerged a strange island.
Even at this distance, the man could see a small port on the island, the smoke of chimneys, and the small fishing ships. He took his journey book from his bag, and started writing...


The city of Arisia has long prospered under the aegis of the Goddess, and her whims have steered the leaders of this fair city for centuries. Not so many years ago, Arisia rose up in war against her sister city, Eddore, in retaliation for offenses against the Goddess.

Now once again, the Goddess is displeased, and it's up to a bold adventurer to find and solve the problem. Find your way to her sacred Sphere, and speak to the Crystal Dolphin who contains her power.

 Level Range         : 150 to 170
 Goal Difficulty     : Medium
 Goal Recommended at : Level 160.


Area added April 5, 2004.


Runto Arisian

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