Battlefields Of Adaldar

 Creator: Blackheart
 Level 150-180 (Lock 120)
 Repop Message: Hate flows as the combatants prepare for yet another foray.


Long ago, in the beginning of time, Mannyn the High God swept his hand across his realm, creating two powerful people who were to live in harmony with one another the Elves and the Trolls were born. Mannyn had 2 sons, Aethoryn and the eldest, Gleon. Mannyn, after countless centuries of ruling his domain, began to tire. He wanted to move out and see the world. He finally decided it was time to leave, he placed the control of his lands in the hands of his two sons, and quietly left. It wasn't long before Gleon (being the Eldest) started to covet his brothers half, he felt that succession should have fallen completely into his hands. Gleon gathered the Trolls and formed them into an army, launching them against the elves. Aethoryn horrified by his brothers actions, quickly united the elvish tribes under one banner, and formed up for defense of the lands and cities.

War has raged for countless years, Manynn finally returned to reclaim his kingdom, but instead, he found a battlefield, he visited his sons, and after asking them what had happened, they ignored him. War continues to rage.


Restore peace between Mannyn's sons.

Visit Adaldar and choose your side to put an end to this battle.

             Level Range         : 150 to 180
             Goal Difficulty     : Medium
             Goal Recommended at : 180
             Goal Converter      : Quadrapus
             Area Author         : Blackheart


Area added July 26, 2008.


Runto Adaldar

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