Hotel Orlando

 Creator: Pentane & Chipper
 Level Range: 1-20
 Repop Message: You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!


 Shut up that yipping dog!!! (Designer: Citron)

Come stay with us for a while at Hotel Orlando. A former luxurious getaway, we still offer adequate accommodation to adventurers, living or dead. If you can help the manager silence that yipping dog we may even offer a discount!

                  Level Range              : 1 to 20
                  Goal Difficulty          : Difficult.
                  Goal recommended at      : Level 10.

Notes: To restart the Hotel Orlando goal due to loss of one or more goal items, start over by visiting the bartender for a new lantern. Make sure you are not carrying any of the goal items from your first attempt.

Adequate accommodation, based on Hotel Orlando's definition, means there's a room you can sleep in. There is no additional charge for the roaches, but a cleaning surcharge will be added to your bill if you step on one.


This is considered a difficult goal for newer players. Not recommended for your first attempt.


Runto Orlando

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