Imagis Nation
Level Range : 140 to 160 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at : 150 Area Author : Rhuli Goal Author : Rhuli
The Imagi family has been an Andolor residence for decades, never creating a stir or drawing any attention to themselves. This is about to change. They are a loving family, consisting of the Father, Firgovi, the mother, Tolsirle, two children and a family dog, Seeko.
Firgovi, jobless and looking for a hobby, decided to start practicing some dark magics. Although his family did not approve, he would have friends over on the weekends to practice his magic in the basement, while the rest of the family sleeps. He practiced one magic most often, sleep control.
Now, fully trained in the magics he practiced, he offers something some people have been searching for during their entire life: freedom from a phobia. During the process, he magically puts you to rest on his bed, and you enter a deep sleep like never before. Unlike any other dream you have had, you are able to control this one.
Feeling brave? Ready to conquer the fear you've had your entire lifetime? Head over to Imagi's Nation. It will be a trip you'll never forget. Tell Firgovi you want 'the works' for a complete dream-diving experience!