The Broken Halls of Horath

 Creator: Sonrokito Lumina
 Level Range: 120-150 (Lock: 90)
 Repop Message: Thunder and lightning clash in the sky as Mount Horath is overrun by kobolds.


Long ago, dwarves mined deep into Mount Horath, exploring its caverns and drilling persistently for rubies, emeralds and sapphires. The Halls of Horath were to become known as the wealthiest of dwarven mines, and the most beautiful. But the Horathian dwarves disappeared suddenly and mysteriously, leaving only their equipment and the occasional disgruntled ghost behind. In time, as dust gathered, scavenging kobolds claimed Mount Horath as their home.


Meanwhile, the mystery remains. What drove the dwarves away from their magnificent mountain hall, and by what arrangement have the kobolds taken foothold? One named Buroil'l of the K'estest seeks the answer, as well.

 Level Range         : 120-150
 Goal Difficulty     : Medium
 Goal Recommended at : 150
 Goal Converter      : Lumina
 Area Author         : Lumina (area concept by SonRokito)

Please note: Level 150 is recommended for this goal due to equipment restrictions.


Area originally added Nov 28, 1999 as 'Dragon Mountain'. Updated Oct 27, 2009.

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