The Imperial City Of Reme
Creator: Rekhart Level Range: 30-100 (Lock: 15) Repop Message: Bronze ranks clash, rising from their earthen graves anew. Hail Reme!
Something Fishy in the City of Reme (Designer: Citron)
Welcome to the Grand City of Reme, where Justice, Mercy, and the Humane treatment of seagulls is a distant memory. The Emperor has gone mad, the Empress spends more on her dogs' breakfasts than the yearly income of a family of peasants, and seagulls have infested the place. Want to help? The Priest of Claire is looking for a few brave souls who might be able to clean up the city!
Level Range : 30 to 100 Goal Difficulty : Difficult Goal recommended at : Level 50
Runto Reme