
 Help Keywords : Afk.
 Help Category : Communication.
 Related Helps : Afkmsg, Replay, Suspend, Activate, Policies7.
 Last Updated  : 2017-06-19 15:53:45.

     Syntax: afk <message>


 Type 'afk' to go AFK (Away From Keyboard).
 Type 'afk <message>' to go AFK with a message.


 Typing AFK puts your character in AFK (Away From Keyboard) mode.  You will
 show up as <AFK> on the who-list, and people who try to send you a tell will
 get a message that you're AFK.

 To remove AFK mode, simply type 'afk' again. If there are any tells waiting
 for you, the game will tell you.  You can see them by typing 'replay'.

 You can also add a custom message besides informing players you're just away
 from the keyboard.  To do so, simply add your message after the 'afk'.  It
 can be changed while afk as well- see 'help afkmsg'.

 WARNING: Being AFK will not prevent aggressive monsters from attacking you,
 and will not pause your quest timer. If you go AFK during a quest or in a 
 potentially unsafe room, it is at your own risk.

 Being AFK in a room which contains an aggressive mob, with or without 
 triggers to keep you alive or attack, is still gaining experience without
 interaction and therefore considered illegal.  If you need to go AFK and
 the room loads an aggressive mob, leave the room (or better yet, the area
 completely).  Accidents may happen, but if you're prone to suddenly going
 AFK, you might want to venture in safer areas.