Help Keywords : BOFH PFY.
Help Category : Admin.
Last Updated  : 2017-06-21 14:16:16.
Bastard Operator From Hell: We all know the bitter, secluded system
administrator that is so sick of people pestering him that he would all too
eagerly delete all your accounts, just because he can. BOFHs are usually
operators long enough in the business to have lost all sense of respect for
the maggots that keep calling up about their broken computers. Do not anger
the BOFH, for he has root access.

The term is also used to refer to any system administrator who displays (or
wishes he could get away with) the qualities of the original.  The term has
become common Internet slang.

Pimply-Faced Youth: In the stories, the PFY is the BOFH's assistant;
this too has become a general term for a junior or trainee system