
Help Keywords : Bard 'Order of the Bard'.
Help Category : Clans.
Related Helps : Clan.
Last Updated  : 2023-07-10 12:59:32.
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     - The Order of the Bard is an ancient guild of minstrels and  -
      -  artisans  best known  for their  poetry and song. Whether -
      - entertaining  a crowd  or a small gathering at the hearth, -
      - a Bard  always  has a ready  story to share. Our keen ears -
      - and eyes are quick to spot the  slightest  inspiration and -
       - translate  it  into verse.  But as chroniclers  of history -
       - and happenings,  a Bard is often  more of an observer than  -
       - a participant.  Though  we  may present  a neutral face as  -
       - events  unfold,  a Bard  may  often  allow his opinions or  -
        -judgement  to  be  heard later in song or verse. Minstrel,  -
        - chronicler,  historian and performance artist, a Bard is   -
         - always willing to share their creativity.                 -
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          - Anyone  is  welcome to  apply  to the Order of the Bards,  -
          - providing  they have reached at least the current minimum   -
          - level of experience (see claninfo bard) and are creative    -
           - in some manner. Applicants  are  required  to showcase     -
           - their  creative  skills.  If  these are deemed acceptable   -
           - an  applicant should seek interviews from current clan      -
           - members. For more details see the clan web pages listed in  -
          - claninfo bard. Prospective applicants are encouraged to read -
          - the clan information  and  charter  on  the website before   -
          - they apply to ensure they understand the clan theme.         -
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         -  As a neutral clan, the Order of the Bard does not actively  -
         -    participate in interclan rivalries. Bards may find it    -
         -    necessary to participate in PK if their conscience      -
         -     dictates this is imperative to maintain their         -
         -       integrity and spur their creativity.                -
        -                                                            -
        -  For more detailed information, please see our web pages,  -
       -    particularly the charter. Should this help file conflict -
       -      with information on the Bard web pages, the web pages -
      -      should be considered the authority.                    -
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