CM-CDEF-230 Guard

 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-230Guard.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : CDEF-Index, CDEF-Mobs.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:09:41.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: Level 230 Guard Specifications

 Current:  CDEF-Index -> CDEF-Mobs -> CDEF-230Guard

    Keywords:  Any (must contain one word from short/long desc)
  Short Desc:  Any (cannot be blank, max length 50 chars)
   Long Desc:  Any (cannot be blank, max length 80 chars)
 Description:  Any
       Story:  Any

 Non-Customisable Fields:

       Level:  230
         Sex:  Neutral
     Damtype:  punch
       Flags:  stationary noquest noexp nomove noalign noaim nobalor 
               confined noscan nostrangle novorpal immcharm immsummon 
       Guild:  warrior
     Affects:  invis hidden detectinvis detecthidden regeneration
               sanctuary haste nightvision lightspeed protevil
               affects protgood flyingimmsummon immcharm
        Race:  cguard
        Clan:  Owned to the Clan purchasing it
   Alignment:  0
     Hitroll:  1150
    Hit Dice:  230d300+5750
     Damdice:  62d90+460
    Manadice:  1d1+10000
         Res:  cguard race resists  
        Vuln:  none
         Off:  areaattack bash disarm dodge kick parry dirtkick trip fast
      Wealth:  0
    MobProgs:  Comes default with Clan Warning System

   * Keywords must be a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 4
     keywords per mob.

 Sample Upgrade Note Format:

 If adding Clan Guards to one room:

 Please add Clan Guards

 Mob Key: clanname-#
 Room Vnum: clanname-#


 If adding Clan Guards to more than one room:

 Please add Clan Guards

 Mob Vnum: clanname-#1, clanname-#2, etc.
 Room Vnum: clanname-#

 Mob Vnum: clanname-#3, clanname-#4, etc.
 Room Vnum: clanname-#


 Note: Only add Desc, Story if you want it changed.