 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-Index 'Clan Defense'.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : Upgrades.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-03 12:05:11.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: Index File

 Current:  CDEF-Index

 Aardwolf Staff are currently in the process of relocating the upgrade guide
 objects into help files. Please pardon our mess during the transition.

 For a list of all Clan Defense files, sees 'contents Clan Defense'.

 This guide has been broken down into categories to make it easier to digest
 for the casual reader. For each file the "Current:" marker at the top of the
 file will display a tree of where you are relative to the index to make it
 easier to work your way back, or to make sure you have the correct file.

 The following categories are available:

 General Information:       'help CDEF-Info'
 Clan Buffer Rooms:         'help CDEF-Buffer'
 Clan Maze Rooms:           'help CDEF-Rooms'
 Clan Maze Objects:         'help CDEF-Objects'
 Clan Maze Walkthrough:     'help CDEF-Walkthrough'
 Clan Maze Mobs:            'help CDEF-Mobs'
 Clan Reset Changes:        'help CDEF-Resets'
 Maze Locations:            'help CDEF-Mazelocs'

 Immortal Information:      'help CDEF-Imms' (204+)
                            'help CDEF-Immmaze (204+)