 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-Info.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : CDEF-Index.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:36:15.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: General Information

 Current:  CDEF-Index -> CDEF-Info

 The following rules apply to all Clan Mazes and Clan Defense Upgrades:

  * Rooms, Objects, and Mobs must have visible descriptions.
  * At least one keyword of an object in the defense must be located in
    the object's long and short description.
  * At least one keyword of a mob in the defense must be located in
    the mob's short and long description.
  * There is a minimum of 3 characters required for mob keywords
    and a maximum of 4 keywords per mob allowed.
  * All clans must have their clan hall fully accessible to raiders, it
    can not be blocked off entirely. The only exception are No-PK Clans.
    (see help openclans)
  * The path through a maze must be linear in nature (it can't force a
    raiding party to be split up in order to walk the path).
  * A maze inspection (walkthrough)- occurs immediately following an
    upgrade when the imm maze-checking feature does not find a valid path to
    recall and/or to the clan shops.  The walkthrough process is described
    in detail in help CDEF-Walkthrough.    
  * If something is not expressly permitted for the clan defense,
    assume that it is illegal until verified with an imm.

 Immortals: See help IMM_Mazes for specific information on how to
  perform a maze inspection.