 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-Mobs.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : CDEF-Index.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:38:52.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: Mobs

 Current:  CDEF-Index -> CDEF-Mobs

 Create a level 1 clanguard                            500,000 gold
 Create a level 230 clanguard                      115,000,000 gold
 Change Keywords/Short Desc/Long Desc                1,000,000 gold
 Change Description                                  1,000,000 gold
 Change Mob Story                                    1,000,000 gold
 Change Sex                                            500,000 gold
 Change Damtype                                      5,000,000 gold
 Add/Remove a guard reset                              500,000 gold
 Toggle Mprog warning system                         1,000,000 gold

  * The only mobs you can have in a defense are clanguards.
    For a guard to hold a key it must be level 230.
    There can only be 7 guards in one room.
  * You can have guards in shops that sell 7 or more items. 
    Guards cannot be reset in any other portion of the clan 
    hall proper.
  * Mobs can never be reset more than one time.
  * Maximum 4 keywords per mob. Each keyword 3 characters
    long minimum.

 * For Level 1 Guard specs:            'help CDEF-1guard'
 * For Level 230 Guard specs:          'help CDEF-230guard'

 It should also be noted that the total mob limit in the main hall is 55.