
 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-Portals.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : CDEF-Index, CDEF-Objects, cdef-resets.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:39:46.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: Portals

 Current:  CDEF-Index -> CDEF-Objects -> CDEF-Portals

 Create a new portal                                  10,000,000 gold
   Keywords:  [ Any ] + "cportal" (Must contain one word from short/long desc)
 Short Desc:  [ Any ] (cannot be blank, Max 50 chars)
  Long Desc:  [ Any ] (cannot be blank, Max 80 chars)
        Cln:  [ Clan Shortname ]
         V3:  [ Destination ] (must be a room in the maze)
      Flags:  magic glow hum nolocate

 Change Keywords/Short Desc/Long Desc                  1,000,000 gold
     (Changes any or all)

 Change portal destination                            10,000,000 gold

 Change order of portals in a room*                      500,000 gold

 Remove a portal reset                                   500,000 gold

 Add a portal reset                                    2,000,000 gold

     * Maximum of 4 portal resets per room.
     * Maximum of 40 portals in the entire maze.
     * The portal must lead to another room in the maze or to
       clan recall.
     * Portals can only be reset once per room. They can be reset
       more than once if each reset is in a separate room.
     * Portals must contain the keyword 'cportal'.
     * Refer to help CDEF-resets when specifying the portal order.