 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-Rooms.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : CDEF-Index.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:42:01.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: Rooms

 Current:  CDEF-Index -> CDEF-Rooms

 The following rules apply generally to all Clan Defense Rooms.

  * You may have up to 15 defense rooms, including prison traps. A buffer
    room does not count toward the total.
  * All room names must be BRIGHT RED to distinguish them.
  * All rooms must have the clanmaze flag on them.
  * Descriptions: Can be anything you want.
  * Flags: Start with PK Clanroom NoSummon Indoors Nomob Clanmaze
    Must have PK Clanroom NoSummon Indoors Nomob Clanmaze
    Other available flags are:
      Norecall - Can not recall.
      Prison - Can not use portals.
  * Sectors: You can use any sector you wish.
  * Heal/Mana Rates : Lowest rates you can have are -200/-200.
                      Highest rates you can have are 200/200.

 * For Maze Rooms                        'help CDEF-Maze'
 * For Watchtower Rooms                  'help CDEF-Watchtower'
 * For Watchtower Custom Exit Rules      'help CDEF-Customexit'
 * For Buffer Rooms                      'help CDEF-Buffer'
 * For Prison Traps                      'help CDEF-Prison'
 * For Room Exits                        'help CDEF-Exits'