
 Help Keywords : CM-Clanadmin.
 Help Category : Clan Management.
 Related Helps : Clantrans, Leadercommands.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-03 11:48:06.
 Syntax: clanadmin [www|speedwalk|recruit|outcast|promote|demote|taxrate

 This function provides many of the commands central to clan leadership.
 Clanadmin must be used with one of the following options:

 www         - Changes the web address in 'claninfo'.
 speedwalk   - Sets the public hall speedwalk in 'claninfo'.  (Use quotes.)
 level       - Changes the minimum level for entry into your clan.
 recruit     - Recruits a new member to your clan.
 outcast     - Outcasts a current member of your clan.
 promote     - Promotes a current member to the next rank.  Only Imms may
               promote a character to leader.
 demote      - Demotes a current member.  Only Imms may demote leaders.
 taxrate     - Changes the clan tax rate.  (Costs 250,000 gp.)
 jail        - Sends a member to your clan jail, if you have one.  An Imm is
               required to remove them from the jail, so don't abuse this!
 flag        - Adds or removes the clanonly flag from your clan's equipment,
               if the clanonlyperm flag is not present.
 evict       - During a raid, removes spying/unhelpful defenders from your
               clan hall. See 'help raiding'.
 evictrank   - Determines the rank a member has to be in order to evict
               defenders from the hall. 1 is a leader, 7 is the lowest rank.
               The current rank is shown with a * in 'claninfo <yourclan>'.
 status      - Change alliance status with another clan. See 'help allies'.
 goto        - With a roomkey (found in 'rlist', allows a clan leader to go to
               a particular room in the clan hall.  Not usable during raids.
 editmotd    - Set a clan MOTD displayed at login, up to 1024 characters. 
               To set your own banner and skip the standard MUD banner, begin
               MOTD with @w@w.
