
 Help Keywords : CM-EQ-Index 'Clan equipment'.
 Help Category : Clan Equipment.
 Related Helps : Upgrades.
 Last Updated  : 2018-07-26 09:00:20.
 Clan Equipment: Index

 Current:  EQ-Index

 This guide contains important information such as rules and charts for
 the creation of public and closed clan equipment. The following files
 contain useful information on the general rules for clan equipment.

 General eq info.............................. 'help EQ-Info'
 Armor base costs.........................'help EQ-ArmorBase'
 Affects allocations for single worn eq .... 'help EQ-Single'
 Affects allocations for double worn eq ...... 'help EQ-Dual'
 Object affects............................ 'help EQ-Affects'
 Cost in shop........................... 'help EQ-CostInShop'
 Extra Flags................................. 'help EQ-Flags'
 Negative and positive points............ 'help EQ-Negatives'
 Tier eq...................................... 'help EQ-Tier'
 Extra Stat info......................... 'help EQ-ExtraStat'
 Public Hall Equipment..................'help EQ-PublicEquip'
 Keywords and item strings..................'help EQ-Strings'
 Immortal Guide............................... 'help EQ-Imms' (204+)

 The rules and particulars for specific types of items are linked in a
 second file. Please see:

 Object Types................................ 'help EQ-Types'

 When producing upgrade notes, please limit yourself to one upgrade per
 note. This allows multiple Immortals to work concurrently.