 Help Keywords : CM-PH-EXITS.
 Help Category : Public Halls.
 Related Helps : PH-Index.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:51:31.
 Public Halls: Exits

 PH 2.10  Move Public Hall to another location in Aylor.             15M
 PH 2.11  Add a two-way exit to another Public Hall room.           500k
 PH 2.12  Remove an exit between two Public Hall rooms.             500k
 PH 2.13  Relocate exit from closed clanhall (Initial one free).    500k
 PH 2.2   One way exit to another area.                              15M
 PH 2.21  Relocate an existing area exit.                             1M

  - Public Hall rooms must have at least one link to another room.
  - See 'help trivia portals' for a list of exempt areas.
  - Clans can have a total of 5 area exits in their halls.
  - Clans must use all exits or all portals for exits, not a mix.