
 Help Keywords : Cast.
 Help Category : Information.
 Related Helps : Multicast, Showskill, Spells, Targeting.
 Last Updated  : 2017-07-21 00:18:54.

     cast '<spell name>' <target>
     cast <spell number> <target>


 Type cast 'spell name' <target> to cast a spell on the target.
 Leaving off the target will either cast the spell upon yourself while not 
 in combat, or your enemy while in combat.

 Spell numbers are also accepted with this command. Spell numbers can be 
 found using the showspell command. (ie: 'showspell bless')


 Once you learn a spell, you may use it at any time by casting it.  Whether
 or not you will successfully cast the spell depends on whether or not you
 have practiced it (see 'help practice').  If you lose concentration, simply
 try casting it again.  Casting spells costs mana.  The mana costs of some
 spells decrease as your level increases; type 'spells' to see the mana
 cost for your spells.

 If the spell name is more than one word, then you must quote the spell
 name.  Quoting is optional for single-word spells, and you can abbreviate
 the spell name (e.g., c 'cure crit').  As a shortcut for casting, you may
 use the spell number (shown in 'showskill') rather than the spell name;
 'c sanctuary <target>' and 'c 71 <target>' are identical.  This can be
 particularly useful on spells with similar names, such as lightning bolt 
 and lightning strike.

 See 'help targeting' for using specific targets for spells.  However, most
 spells will have a default target if none is specified- beneficial spells
 will usually target yourself, and combat spells will target your current
 opponent if already in combat.

 Your primary-class spells will generally cast faster than other spells.
 Most combat spells also have a chance of extra hits, and some do damage
 based upon how skilled you are in the spell; see 'help multicast'.

 Area affect spells will not target players.  To purposely target enemy
 players with area-affect spells, use 'cast <spell> all'.

 See 'help <spell name>' for help on a particular spell.