Changing Flag

 Help Keywords : 'Changing Flag'.
 Help Category : Equipment.
 Related Helps : WFlags.
 Last Updated  : 2011-10-21 20:43:31.
 A weapon with this flag possesses chaotic magic, causing it to often change
 damage type in an erratic burst of energy. You may see a weapon do more than
 one type of damage in a round; one attack may be acid, the next two pierce,
 then flaming bite, etc.  This weapon flag overrides the damtype on a weapon;
 if the weapon flag is changed to something different, the weapon will return
 to it's original damage type, visible with identify and object read spells-
 NOT the last damage done with the changing flag. If on the other hand you
 change the damage type using the wset command, the changing flag will
 disappear and not be replaced by the original wflag.  The flag will have
 to be replaced using the wflag command.