
 Help Keywords : Channels.
 Help Category : Communication.
 Related Helps : Channel Rules, Class Channels, Colorset, Say.
 Last Updated  : 2021-01-30 15:35:48.
 Basic Syntax: Type 'Channels' to see a list.
               Type [channel name] to toggle on / off.
               Use '[channel] *off [minutes]' to turn off temporarily.
               Use 'channels curse' to see a list of curse allowed channels.
               Use '[channel] -h' or '[channel] -h <# lines / text>' to see 
               channel history.

 Further details and other usage options are in the wall of text below.

 There are many means of communication on Aardwolf and channels are one of
 the most important.  Channels on Aardwolf can change dynamically based on
 topics relevant at the time.  To see a list of channels, type 'channels'.
 To toggle a channel on or off, type its name.

 Each class also has its own private channel which only members of that
 class can see. These are covered in 'help class channels'.  Information on
 each channel's particular rules and guidelines can be found in 'help 
 <channel name>', e.g., 'help racetalk'.

 Most channels have a history feature.  To see the history on a channel, use
 the syntax '<channelname> -h'.  For example, 'gossip -h 10' will show the
 last 10 lines on gossip, while 'answer -h' will show all available lines of
 history on the question/answer channel.  You can also use the -h feature to
 search for text on a channel; for example, 'gossip -h ivar' will search for
 all gossip history containing 'ivar'.  Ignored players (see 'help ignore')
 will still show up in channel history.  Note that you can either search or
 specify a number of lines, but not both.

 To search for a number without the MUD interpreting it as a number of
 lines, use the syntax "gossip -h '20'" (this shows all gossip history
 containing the number 20).

 There are some special commands that can be used on channels to do emotes, 
 socials and other actions. Using gossip as an example:

    Use a social on a channel       : gossip *smile
                                      gossip *smile ivar
    Use an emote on a channel       : gossip :emotes something
    Use emote to think on a channel : gossip *think this is cool
    Use emote to say on a channel   : gossip *say say is cool too :)
    Use dice on a channel           : gossip *dice 10 5

 The following is a list of channels approved for profane language:

    Clantalk*   Curse       Ftalk       Gclan     Gtell       
    Helper      Immtalk     Mchat       Music     Pokerinfo   
    Spouse      Sports      Debate

 * Though the channel is flagged for curse socials, clans may have their own
 policies regarding profane language.