
 Help Keywords : Clist.
 Help Category : Clans.
 Related Helps : Claninfo..
 Last Updated  : 2023-02-24 19:05:36.

 Syntax: clist
         clist <days>
         clist pk | nopk
         clist logos - shows clan logos.

 This command will show a little information on each of the clans in
 Aardwolf, including the number of members, number of active members, and
 which 'short' name to use in who/claninfo.  

 By default, the 'active' field in clist will show how many members have
 logged on in the past 90 days.  You can view the list with other definitions
 by using 'clist <days>'. For example, to see clist with active members
 defined as people on within the last week, use 'clist 7'. 

 Using 'clist pk' or 'clist nopk' will show only pk / nopk clans respectively.


 Clan name                                 Short    Members  Active Level Nopk
 -------------------------------------- ----------- -------  ------ ----- ----
 The Wolf Administration                wolf             11      10   200    N
 The Lone Adventurers                   loner            52       3     0    Y
 The Outcast Clan of Shame              outcast        1137      26     0    N
 The Fellowship of the Twin Lobes       twinlobe         55      15    10    N
 The Watchmen of Aardwolf               watchmen        127      35     1    N
 The Seekers                            seekers          23      10   201    Y
 The Emerald Knights                    emerald         210      47   201    N
 The Order of Light                     light           202      63     1    N
 The Children of Baalzamon              baal            151      42   201    N
 The Hook Clan                          hook            163      52     1    N
 Order of the Bard                      bard             32       3     0    Y
 Crusaders of the Nameless One          crusader         58      16    15    Y
 The Xunti Cult                         xunti            36      15    15    N
 Clan Imperium                          imperium         62       9   200    N
 The Crimson Horde                      crimson         148      37     1    N
 Retribution                            retribution      85      22   201    N
 The Great Circle of Druids             druid            64      14     1    N
 The Tribes of the Amazon               amazon           61      18   200    Y
 The Soul Pyre                          pyre             54      17   150    N
 Masaki Clan                            masaki          108      47   200    N
 Dark Templars of Rhabdo Rana           rhabdo           60      18   201    N
 Knights of Perdition                   perdition        29       8     0    N
 Loqui                                  loqui           143      40   201    N
 The Midgaardian Publishing Group       gaardian         33      10   100    Y
 The Creation of Tao                    tao              35      14   201    Y
 House of Touchstone                    touchstone       71      20   100    Y
 Boot Camp                              boot            269     143    15    Y