
Help Keywords : Council.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Tester, Helper, Builder, Immortal.
Last Updated  : 2024-05-07 17:21:27.

What is the Aardwolf "Council"?

The Aardwolf Council is a group of immortals, builders and experienced
players who help guide the direction of the game and discuss the details
of many new features before they are implemented. For example, many of
the recent subclass changes and race changes came from discussions with
this group.

Although there is no hard limit on what this group can discuss, the overall
focus is on class balance, both for the game overall and PK. This same
group helps Aardwolf by getting feedback from the community on what is
working and not working *after* changes are implemented. For upcoming
changes, sometimes we will ask each council member to discuss a topic
with their clans and friends and bring overall thoughts back to the team.
Other things are considered more confidential.

What about the ideas board?

While the ideas board is valuable and still the most important place to
suggest new features for Aardwolf, it isn't always the best place to work
out the details of how something should be done or to get heavily into
the mechanics and balance of a new feature.

How can I join?

The council is fairly small to keep the discussions manageable but players
get busy in real life or just into different things from time to time so
vacancies will open.

We don't have a full list of requirements, but some general guidelines:

* The most important - you must be able to work as part of a team. If
  you can't work with members of clans you consider enemies please don't
  apply. We know this will be a struggle for some and understand it, but
  you have to be able to put it aside.

* A lot of ideas get thrown around. You may feel very strongly about
  something but won't always get your way. You have to be OK with this.

* To be able to take part in some of the conversations we will have,
  you do need to have experienced most aspects of the game (newbie, epics,
  redos, all the tiers, etc). Exceptions can be made. For example, we
  have a member that does not have as much experience in these on Aardwolf
  but has a lot of game design background.

* If your idea of 'balance' is "no nerfs, ever, we always take the
  highest class and move everything up" that isn't going to work, it just
  leads to endless power creep.

* Most of these discussions take place on Discord. You don't need to
  be a Discord expert but you do need to be comfortable using it.

* If you broke the rules once or twice and have not had problems since
  you may still be a validate candidate - it does not mean automatic

If this sounds interesting to you then please write a note to "imm" on why
you should be on the council or with questions in general.
