
Help Keywords : DI-Misc.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Deadideas.
Last Updated : 2013-02-13 19:05:20.
The following dead ideas do not fall into other categories:

  An automatic restring command is too easy to abuse.  Allowing players to
  restring items and wait for Imm approval may still be abused, and is
  not an option.

  Enter the Combat Maze at your own risk.  If you want fights where others
  are not able to interfere, try a duel, private challenge rooms above
  the punching bag mobs, or a manor combat maze room instead.

  There are no rules in warfare; such is the nature of the beast.  Coding
  to prohibit grouping in genocide will not be added.

  Ignore and visto slots are very resource-intensive, and will not see any
  additions in the near future.

  Creating 'old<command>' for any changed commands will not be an option;
  adding this to one command means it would be desired for others, and on
  each new change, cluttering the command table with old<command>2,3, etc.

  Recovery timers purposely limit powerful abilities.  There will not be a
  way to reduce or remove these timers.

  Punishments are between the immortals and the player being punished.
  There will not be a 'wall of shame' or way to see others' punishments.