
Help Keywords : 'Fellchantry'.
Help Category : Goals.
Related Helps : Goals, Goal Solving.
Last Updated  : 2023-03-05 11:48:49.

It was a dark and stormy night...

There's a saying out in the darker parts of the country that, for a man
in the right kinds of trouble, all roads lead to Fellchantry. They say that
when "No Fear" Narlfryd, the famed Wolfen daredevil, needed a place to lay
low, he came to Fellchantry and knifed a guy over a card game. The story
goes that he wanted to use a vacation in a cell as a chance to let a bad
storm blow over. The authorities didn't give him the chance. They took one
look at that body, shook their heads, and walked the other way. Fellchantry
is just that kind of place. Around here, they're ALL dark and stormy nights,
and the residents like it that way just fine.

Wade among the liars and thieves, pickpockets and stickyfingers.  Converse
with those who have scruples aplenty and those who are found lacking, and
get to the bottom of the Barony's latest mystery.

Level Range         : 150 to 170
Goal Difficulty     : Easy
Goal Recommended at : Level 160
Goal Converter      : Sammael
Area Author         : Sammael & Obyron
