Help Keywords : GAMELOAD.
Help Category : Features.
Related Helps : BONUSLOOT.
Last Updated  : 2021-03-15 07:00:30.
  There is new code in the game to randomly add stats to game load items.
  This feature has a lot more code behind it than simple "add some random
  stats" and tries to be a lot more intelligent about what stats an item
  already has and the max stats items that level can have in which

  There is an initial dice roll for whether or not an item gets stats
  and, every time the roll passes, there is another roll. More rolls mean
  more stats are added. It's all random but there are some levels of
  bonus (odds in the hundreds of millions) we are not likely to see, but
  you never know. Weapons will gain a damage bonus. It won't show as a
  + amount in identify, it will just have a higher than usual base damage.

  It is balanced with the goal of randomly loading decent items, more
  rarely loading really good items and even more rarely, items that could
  easily be the best in the game but with odds such that farming isn't
  really practical.

  Items that load with a bonus will have a flag that looks something
  like '(Polished)'. Those with red instead of green brackets
  are the most rare. These flags become part of the item name so they
  will be visible in auction messages etc, and will also be added as
  a keyword of the item.

  Right now this only applies to regularly loaded items that are reset
  on the mob and looted.  Anything loaded via a mob prog (where the mob
  usually gives it to you) will not have a chance for the bonus stats.
  I may add a lua command to fix this later. You can also only roll
  bonus stats on mobs close to your own level or higher.  There isn't
  much naturally loading tier equipment in the game but the few items
  there are do get similar bonuses up to the tiermaxes allowed.

  The keep flag is purposely not being added to bonus items. People
  will most likely use triggers anyway but, from the game point of view
  while this is new at least, pay attention or lose them.

  The object bonuses are a little (just a little) more weighted towards
  DR over other stats and the base bonuses are upped a little.

  Items will now also have a chance for lower level when the bonus kicks
  in. This is on top of the regular level randomizing so it's possible you
  get one that looks no better than usual if it repopped higher then the
  bonus lowered it, or one even lower level than previously possible. 

  The max stats an item can get is now based on the item's default level
  not it's actual level. This means that a level 181 item repopping at level
  178 doesn't get penalized with lower potential max stats at level 178.

  The amount of weapon base damage a bonus item can add has been
  increased slightly. There is also a minimum amount of damage that will be
  added to lower level bonus weapons when a percentage doesn't really do
  a whole lot for it.

  Arrows will no longer get stat bonuses. They can still get bonus flags
  though and will get the added damage. Also a reminder that tempering
  arrows greatly increases the number of uses.

  When a bonus item gets player stats (str, con, etc), the stats will
  now tend to be more weighted towards the first stat it picks. This means
  that items adding lots of stats will generally (not always) have more of   
  one stat than completely randomly spread which makes them more useful to
  people trying to optimize for one stat. It is also possible for these
  stats to go a little higher than before.

  Items that get a bonus will also fetch a higher price when selling to
  a store or fencing them.