Help Keywords : GARGOYLE.
Help Category : Races.
Related Helps : Races.
Last Updated  : 2024-06-15 22:40:01.
-[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]=--=[+]=--=[ AARDWOLF RACES ]=--=[+]=--=[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]-

The Gargoyles are a diminutive yet formidable race of stone-skinned
humanoids. Standing only 3-4 feet tall, their compact and densely
muscled forms belie an impressive physical strength and resilience.
What sets Gargoyles apart are the great, powerful wings sprouting
from their backs - leathery and bat-like in appearance. These wings
grant them the ability of unsurpassed maneuverability through the air
and Gargoyles are most effective fighting high up in the air.

Gargoyles have an innate resistance to physical damage thanks to their
stony composition but are particularly vulnerable to acid. While not
devoid of magical ability, Gargoyles are much more adept at physical,
martial combat.

                          STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON LUCK
Gargoyle Start Stats    :  13   14   13   14   13   15
Training Costs          :   0   -1   +1   -1   +1    0

Other Gargoyle Abilities:
           * 10% more damage in air sectors.
           * Permanent fly.
