Gaias Totem

Help Keywords : 'Gaias Totem'.
Help Category : Enhancement.
Related Helps : Gaias Focus, Shaman.
Last Updated  : 2020-08-15 12:47:51.

Syntax: cast 'gaias totem' [ent|bear|owl]
Spell Number: 624

Gaias Totem allows the Shaman to summon a powerful totem to support them in
a single area.

There are three types of totem:

  Ent     : Reduces damage taken when you have a totem in the area.
  Bear    : Increases damage inflicted when you have a totem in the area.
  Owl     : Increases exp when you have a totem in the area.

Any group members (in level range) with you in the same room (as you) also
get some benefit from the totem but half as much. Multiple totems of the
same kind do not stack, but three shamans in the group each with a
different totem in the area will add all three benefits. If both you
and a group member have the same totem in an area, yours will take
priority so you get the higher bonus. You cannot leave a totem in a
clanroom or combat maze.

You can use the new 'totems' command to see if you have a totem in the
game, where it is, and how long until it expires.

Totems can be attacked by anyone who can attack you, but it is based on if 
they could kill *you* at that point in time. So if you're not OPK and not 
in a PK room, your totem can't be PKed even if it is, and vice versa. Aggro 
mobs will not attack totems and they are not a valid target for 
transportation spells. Your totem will not join a fight if someone attacks 
you, but if your attacker uses an area spell they will hit the totem and 
pull it into the fight. If a totem in another room kills someone, it does 
not count as a PK for you.

The duration of a totem will increase with stats and the recovery is always
2 minutes longer than the duration. This means that the percentage of 
uptime will go up as your character grows but will never quite reach 100%.

Primary Stat: Constitution, Wisdom.
