Holy Shield

Help Keywords : 'Holy Shield'.
Help Category : Enhancement.
Related Helps : Priest.
Last Updated  : 2022-06-28 13:38:46.
Syntax:  cast 'holy shield'
Spell Number: 569

Priests are able to summon the good in their holy power to protect other
good-aligned players within their party from the effects of Desecration.

When cast, this spell will add an affect that resists unholy influences to 
all good-aligned players in the priest's group. The main effect of this is 
that the holy shield spell causes desecration to be ignored. It also adds 
some resistance to shadow and negative damage.

Duration and Recovery time are determined by wisdom and luck. The duration
is shorter than desecration and the recovery time is longer. If there is
nobody in the group able to receive a holy shield, the recovery timer is
not added.

Spell available only to the Priest Cleric Subclass.
