
Help Keywords : INSANITY.
Help Category : Enhancement.
Related Helps : Berserk, Enrage, Frenzy.
Last Updated : 2017-08-28 19:37:58.

Syntax: Insanity
Barbarians can work into such frenzies that they often forget about pain and other distracting factors, focusing solely upon the rage within. This manifests in a form of additional attack power at the cost of resistances.

This skill has a similar, but more powerful, affect that is designed to replace berserk or frenzy at higher levels. It may not be used if you currently have a Rage recovery timer or are under affect of berserk or frenzy. You must have a minimum of 1,000 moves to activate insanity, and half your current movement points are consumed in the use of the skill.

Skill available only to the Barbarian Warrior Subclass.

Primary Stat: Con, Str.
Affected by : Luck.