
Help Keywords : Keylist.
Help Category : Admin.
Related Helps : rlist, olist, leadercommands.
Last Updated : 2015-06-14 21:19:19.
Syntax: keylist : Show keys in area.

        keylist [room]      : Show keys used in room.
        keylist to [room]   : Show keys used to get to room.
        keylist uses [objid]: Show rooms where a specific key is used.

Keylist is a command used by imms, area builders and clan leaders (clan hall only) to review the keys used in an area.

To see all keys used in an area, type keylist with no argument.

To see all keys used in a specific room, use 'keylist [room id]'.

To see all keys in the area used to reach a specific room, use 'keylist to [room id'].

To see all the rooms in an area using a specific key, use 'keylist uses [object id of the key]'.

Note: Keylist scans the rooms in the current area only. Rooms in another

      area using a key from the current area will not be shown. This 
      situation is fairly rare so should only affect the imm version.