New Guide-Explore

Help Keywords : NewGuide-Explore.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Newhelp, Explored.
Last Updated  : 2017-06-16 15:29:01.
Aardwolf Newbie Guide: Explore

Useful Basic Commands Within an Area (Read 'help <command>' for details)

Look - Gives you detailed information about the current room you're
  standing in- room name, room description (these are important and many
  times will provide important information to the area), a list of
  available exits (for an 'other' exit, see 'exits' below), any items
  lying on the floor, and all the mobs that currently reside in the room.

Scan - Shows all visible mobs within a 3-room radius. Can filter by
  keyword, direction, or 'scan here' to list just the mobs in your room.

Exits - This command will display all exits in the room. An exit
  surrounded with parentheses indicates that exit has a door that needs
  to be opened. For 'other' exits, simply type the keyword to enter.

Map - This will display an overhead mini-map of your current room and its
  surroundings. This is helpful to anticipate your next move or even help
  navigate through some mazes. This map displays several items such as
  nearby mobs, doors and shops.

Where - This command used on its own will list details about your current
  area, including its level range and the names and locations of any
  other players in the area.

Where <target> - This gives the in-area room location of one player or
  mobile matching the keyword used.

Hunt <target> - If you have access to the skill hunt and practice it,
  this is a very useful tool in locating a specific mob or player. When you   
  get to know an area better, it is also a good tool to navigate mazes.
  This skill cannot be used for global quests or campaigns, but regardless
  of whether you have the skill or not, a good trick to read up on is,
  'help hunt trick'.

Useful Tips

Looking for a bigger map - Our Aardwolf Wiki (see 'help newguide-links'),
under the Areas section, contains links to each area with maps available
from various clans and players, along with many other resources and great

Finding mob keywords - Having trouble figuring out a mob's keyword from its
room description? Sometimes 'scan here' and 'consider' can provide
quick hints.

Detecting your mobs - Convinced you're in the right room and can't see your
mob? Several mobs have the 'invis' flag and/or 'hidden' flag on them. It's
wise to carry around a few 'detect invis' and 'detect hidden' potions on
your player, both are available in our Potions shop in Aylor and elsewhere-
use the 'potsearch' command (see 'help potsearch').

Getting out of an area - Using the 'recall' ability will cost half your
movement points. Spellcasters can use the 'word of recall' spell to return
to recall without this penalty (and can even do so during battle). The
alternative is using a portal to go to another desired destination (back
to Aylor with the garbage can, or right above recall with the Aylorian
Academy portal- see 'help portals'). Some rooms prevent recall from 
working, others prevent portals from working, and some even prevent both 
from working.

Navigating mazes - Several areas have mazes in them. For tips on how
to get to the other side, check out 'help maze solving'.

Explored & Areas (Un)Explored

For the devoted explorers trying to see every corner and crevice of our
large world, you can track your progress with the 'explored' command. This
command gives you a breakdown of the rooms within your current area and of
the total rooms in Aardwolf. Additionally, you can use the command 'areas
explored', for a list of all areas and your rooms explored, or 'areas
unexplored', for a list of all areas that you have rooms left to explore
in. See 'help explored' for detailed information.