New Guide-Help

Help Keywords : NewGuide-Help.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Help, Helpers, Advisors, Question, Imm.
Last Updated  : 2017-06-16 16:19:02.
Aardwolf Newbie Guide: Help

As a new player, you should be aware of the following resources at your
disposal - 
1. Help files
2. Helpers
3. Advisors

Help files - In order to navigate the exhaustive help file system, you
should familiarize yourself with the command 'help search <topic>'.
Employing the previous syntax allows you to search Aardwolf's help files
by keyword. If Aardwolf has a help file with the keyword you used, then
the search results will list every help file containing that keyword. For
example: Type 'help search alias' and you will see the results for any and
all help files that contain the word 'alias'.

Helpers - These are players, like yourself, that volunteer to assist
new players in Aardwolf.  Helpers exist to answer your questions and to
aid you in learning to find your own answers. In this pursuit, Helpers
will often reference relevant help files that may directly answer your
question. Helpers may also assist you in obtaining your corpse if you
have died; an act commonly referred to on Aardwolf as a 'Corpse Retrieval'
or 'CR'.  If you need to contact a Helper privately, the command 'who
helper' will show all those online and available (see 'help helper'). As
Helpers are volunteers who dedicate their time to assist new players, it
is to your benefit to treat them politely and with respect.

Advisors - Advisors take on many of the similar roles as Helpers do,
but they dedicate less of their playing time to assisting newer players
(see 'help advisor'). Because of their lesser commitment to help new
players, a listing of Advisors is not available through the use of the
who command: There is no 'who advisor'.

Immortals - Immortals (commonly known as Imms) are the game admin.
Imms are the ones providing, maintaining and enhancing the game of
Aardwolf. For a list of the current Imms type, 'wizlist' (see 'help imm').

After your first 201 levels (or 300 hours online), you'll lose access to
the Newbie channel, but you'll still have access to our Question & Answer
channel, where all available players may offer their assistance.