
Help Keywords : Newbie-Container.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Containers.
Last Updated  : 2022-08-25 00:47:35.

There are a number of clans that sell useful object containers as well as 
drink containers. Don't be concerned by the high level of the object 
containers; since there is no need to wear a container one that is level 
201 will hold more than a lower level container would. Below is a list that 
shows which clans sell containers and what each container is called. Once
you 'runto <clan>' from recall, type 'list' at any mobs you find to see if
they are selling the container you desire.

Object Containers:

Chaos       :  Malevolent {chaos} Luggage
Seekers     :  (Seekers) Urn of Awakening                
Bard        :  Guitar Case   
Crusaders   :  Satchel of Sanctity                      
Druid       :  /|Veil of Realms/|         
Touchstone  :  (>Touchstone<) Rock Collecting Bag
Bootcamp    :  [Recruit] Leather Backpack
Daoine      :  Mab's Agony Box

Drink Containers:

Seekers     :  Goblet of the Well Educated       
Crusaders   :  Sacramental Carafe        
Bootcamp    :  [Recruit] Insulated Canteen   