
Help Keywords : Newbie-Equipment.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Outfit, Equipment, Autoeq, Eqsearch, Wear.
Last Updated  : 2017-06-17 11:47:56.
There are a few ways to wear equipment:

* When the equipment is in your inventory, type 'wear all' and you will 
automatically wear all of the items found starting at the top of your 
inventory and moving toward the bottom. So if you have 2 pieces of body 
equipment in your inventory the game does not know which one is preferable 
it will just make you wear the first one that it finds.

* You can type 'wearable' for a list of wear keywords. Then you can 
add/remove equipment piece by piece. Remember, you can only use one 
keyword when manipulating objects in this manner unless you are putting 
multiple keywords inside of quotes. Here is an example of what works:

You entered: remove grad
You remove Academy Graduation Medal from your chest.

You entered: wear 'grad medal'
You proudly pin Academy Graduation Medal to your chest.

You entered: wear grad medal1
You proudly pin Academy Graduation Medal to your chest.

Here is an example of what does not work:

You entered: wear grad medal
Your race does not have a medal wear location.
-here I would need to use either a single keyword or to use quotes (wear 
'grad medal' or wear 'grad medal' medal1).

The 'eqsearch' command can be helpful for finding sets of equipment. Just 
remember to have 'detect invis' active when hunting for the equipment 
pieces because most top quality equipment starts out as being flagged 

When looking for equipment sold in clan halls, keep in mind that there 
does not need to be a dollar sign symbol $ on the map for a shopkeeper 
to be in the room. Type 'list' in every room to check for equipment sales 
just in case you're walking right past a shopkeeper.

When looking for equipment found on killable mobs, remember to make sure 
'detect invis' hasn't worn off. Also, the AardWiki may help narrow down 
your search for some items: