
Help Keywords : Newbie-Goals.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Goal Solving, Goals, Tasks.
Last Updated  : 2023-03-05 17:46:59.
First of all, please note that completion of ANY goal is NOT necessary to 
advance in Aardwolf. Many goals have rewards that are not worth the 
headache involved in completing them. Just like how in real life some people 
enjoy completing crossword puzzles and others do not, in Aardwolf some 
players enjoy completing goals and others do not.

* Mobs that begin a goal can often be spotted on the ASCII mini map 
  since they will show as a green ! instead of the normal yellow !.

* In the Academy goal it is common to use 'tell <message>' when 
  communicating with the mobs. Outside of the Academy goal, mobs more 
  commonly respond to 'say <message>'.

* If the mob doesn't automatically start talking when you enter the room 
  (try to not use skills or spells like invis and hide when working on goals, 
  they may stop mob programs from running), then try 'listen <mobname>'. 

* Once you've opened the goal, type 'tasks here' to see your current 
  task. Remember to have the spells 'detect hidden' and 'detect invisible' 
  active when working on goal steps. Ways to complete a goal step include:

  -killing a mob
  -giving some gold to a mob
  -saying something particular in the room the mob is standing in. Sometimes 
   this needs to be a very EXACT phrase, so be sure to carefully look at 
   'tasks here' to make sure you're saying exactly what you are SUPPOSED to 
   say. When in doubt, try using LESS words.
  -using a social on the mob ('*handshake <mobname>' to shake a mob's hand, 
   for instance)
  -giving a specific object to the mob ('give <object> <mob>')
  -listening to the mob ('listen <mobname>')

If you're having a tough time with a goal step, you can try asking on a 
channel for help. Note that many players who have done a goal have 
probably done it so long ago that by now they've forgotten the steps 
involved in solving it.