Help Keywords : Newbie-Restring.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Restring, Strings, Tpspend, Color.
Last Updated : 2017-06-17 15:13:31.
It can be fun to personalize the look of an item that you use often.
Popular choices include portals, containers or pieces of aard equipment.
There are 3 parts of an item you can modify with a restring:
1. Keywords: You can add up to three keywords. You will use the
keywords when you Yput <keyword> bag' or 'wear <keyword>' so make sure they
are words that make sense for your item. If you are changing the name of
'a Bag of Aardwolf' to 'Big Green Bucket', then big, green and bucket
would be the three most logical keywords to add.
2. Short Description: This is what you see when you have an item in
your inventory and you type 'inventory'. It's also what you see if you are
wearing equipment and type 'equipment'. Finally, it's what you see when
you hold a portal and type 'enter'. So in this example, the short
description I have chosen is 'Big Green Bucket'. Remember how to
make color codes? With the color codes the object looks like this: @RBig
@GGreen @YBucket@w. The @w on the end keeps the colors in the item
from bleeding into the next line, so it is important. Your short
description can be up to 50 characters long and that includes color
Examples of 50 character short descriptions:
a great big cat in a hat sitting on a mat by a vat
a @Ylong @ycat@w in a @Rhat @Mlying@w on a @Gmat@w
a @x101cat@w in a @x222hat@w lying on a @x181mat@w
As you can see, the more complex you get with your color codes, the less
room you have to play around with words in your short description.
3. Long Description: This is what you see when you drop an object on
the ground and type 'look'. It can also be seen if you type 'look
<keyword>' while your object is in your inventory. Since items special
enough to be restrung are not usually dropped on the ground and most
players don't stand around looking at their objects all day, many people
choose to just make the long description the same as the short
description. So I would simply choose 'Big Green Bucket' for my long
description, just like my short description. If there is some sentimental
meaning to this object and I want to make it special, I can make the
long description up to 80 characters in length. I might want to make it 'When
you asked me to marry you, the engagement ring was hidden in this bucket.'
Now whenever I type 'look bucket' I'll be able to cherish my memory.
4. Once you have your restring idea set up, type "who imm" to find someone
who can restring it for you. The immortals are the volunteer
administrators in the game and they love to help with things like
restrings! The imm will either come to you or summon you to their manor,
so do try to stay still once they've indicated that they'll help you!
5. It's recommended to have everything ready for the imm before you
contact them, so write it out on beforehand and then once you're with the
imm you can just copy/paste. Here's what a simple copy/paste can look like:
say keywords: big green bucket
say short: @RBig @GGreen @YBucket@w
say long: When you asked me to marry you, the engagement ring was hidden
say in this bucket.
The imm will make the changes, then give you back your item and charge you
2 trivia points (no need to make tokens, they can take points!)