
Help Keywords : Newbie-Tokens.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Daily Blessing, Birthday, Donate, Santa, Trivia Points.
Last Updated  : 2024-08-04 11:31:58.
Daily blessings ('help daily blessing') are an easy way to gain useful
tokens. If you 'identify' a token ('help identify') it will tell you how to
use it. Note that some of these tokens are owned, so you cannot sell them.
If you do not want to keep a token that you own and you do not have a
spouse who would like to use them, you can use the 'destroy' command to
delete them from the game ('help destroy').

Daily Blessing Campaign Reset Token:

Normally, you are allowed to complete only one campaign per level. This
token resets your status so that you can complete another campaign at the
same level. This can be beneficial because lower-level campaigns are often
easier to complete than higher-level campaigns. You could turn on 'noexp'
temporarily at a low level and complete an extra campaign or two. Or, once
you have leveled many times, you may find it takes a lot of extra experience
points to complete a level (type 'exptable' to see the exp breakdown through
tier 9) and have enough exp left over to complete multiple campaigns in a
single level without even toggling noexp.

Daily Blessing Qreset Token:

A qreset token allows you to reset your quest timer to zero. Since normally
after completing a quest you need to wait 30 minutes to request another,
this is a quick way to increase your number of quest points. It can be fun
to save up these tokens for a Double QP event ('help birthday'). These
tokens work a bit differently than Qreset time ('help qreset') after an Ice
Age ('help ice age') since they fully reset the quest timer whereas Qreset
time does not.

Daily Blessing Area Reset Token:

If your quest or campaign mob is dead it can be frustrating to wait for an
area to be repopulated ('help repop'), especially if you don't have the
sense life spell ('help sense life') to tell you how long you have to wait
until the next repop. The Area Reset Token repops the area immediately when
used. This can be especially useful in Global Quests or when you are working
on a Goal that requires killing the same mob multiple times to obtain an
item or fulfill a kill count quota. Note that these tokens cannot be used
to reset special Epic Areas ('help epic').

Daily Blessing Reset Token:

This token resets your daily blessing timer so that you can take a new daily
blessing immediately. If you still have bonuses active they will not stack
with the new ones, so be sure to use up what is important to you in the old
blessing before requesting the new one. This will not change the time when
you will be able to request your normal daily blessing - if you request it
every day at 7 am and use the token at noon, you will still be able to
request your normal token-free daily blessing at the usual time. If you
donate to the game ('help donate') you will not receive your daily blessing
resets in the form of tokens. Instead, they are added to your character as a
counter that you can see when you type 'daily' - for example: You have 3
daily blessing resets available - there is no timer on these, they can be
saved up like the gold in your bank for as long as you like. Also, note that
if you receive a Christmas Card from Santa ('help santa') that is for a
daily blessing reset, you can use the card immediately to store the daily
blessing reset on your character's daily blessing counter - the Christmas
cards do not work like the Daily Blessing Reset Token. To use one of the
daily blessing resets that is on your counter simply type 'daily reset'
as you would while holding a token - since you aren't holding a token it
will instead subtract one from your daily blessing reset counter. The daily
blessing reset token can be difficult to get out of a bag if you have other
daily blessing tokens inside, so use the keyword 'dbreset'.

Trivia Point Token:

Trivia Points are useful for many things (see 'help trivia points' and 'help
tpspend'). The token itself can be auctioned for gold or converted into a
trivia point that is stored on your character and can be seen when you type
'whois' or 'score'. You can convert it back into a trivia token by using
'runto ravi' from anywhere in The Grand City of Aylor and then using the
command 'tpspend token' - note that converting a point into a token also
costs 100,000 gold coins.