Help Keywords : Newbie-Triviaportal.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Trivia portals, Newbie-restring.
Last Updated : 2017-06-17 15:22:52.
The first trivia portal that everyone wants is the one that leads to
Adventures in Sendhia. A trivia portal costs 15 trivia points but it's
definitely worth it to not have to muddle your way through Vidblain anymore.
To order your trivia portal, type 'forum upgrades', then type 'note write
imm'. Indicate that you'd like a trivia portal to sendhia (it will
automatically lead to the area's first room, "A Ship's Bow"). You can choose
up to 3 keywords (it automatically has the keywords 'portal' and 'trivia'),
a short description and a long description when you make a trivia portal.
See 'help newbie-restring' for details on how this works. Here's a simple
upgrade note example:
I would like a trivia portal to sendhia. I understand that the cost is 15
trivia points.
keywords: sendhia
short description: Portal to Sendhia
long description: If found, please return this portal to Playername.
Not all areas are allowed trivia portals. If the area is a epic area, for
instance, your upgrade will be denied. Check out 'help trivia portals' for
the full list of weird areas that can't have trivia portals.