
Help Keywords : Newbie-Weapons.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Soldier, Dual wield, Tpenchant, Mastery, Damtypes2.
Last Updated  : 2017-06-17 15:28:42.
Dual wield (skill)
Dual wield is a skill that becomes available for newbies who are thieves, 
warriors, rangers or paladins. Unless you are a soldier, you'll need your 
offhand weapon to weigh half of your primary weapon. Don't spend trivia 
points lowering a weapon's weight unless you've invested in an Aardweapon.

Tpenchant (2TPs)
You'll eventually want to tpenchant your primary Aardweapons. This command 
costs 2 trivia points per use and will be used many times on a single 
weapon so it can get to be quite expensive! However, since it gives a 
guaranteed addition to hitroll and damroll it can be especially helpful to 
use on your higher level Aardweapons.

Setweight (2TPs)
In the City of Aylor, 'runto elementalist' to change your weapon's weight. 
It costs 2 trivia points to either halve or double the weight of your 
weapon. If you reduce the weight of both your weapons to zero, either one 
can be offhanded.

Damage type (2TPs)
In the City of Aylor, 'runto damage' to change your weapon's damage type 
with the 'wset' command. This sort of change can be useful when you start 
working on a 'mastery' for your character or if you'd like one of your 
Aardweapons to be suitable for use against a common mob immunity. 'Help  
damtypes2' lists the damage types that you can set.

Weapon type (1TP)
In the City of Aylor, 'runto forge' to change your weapon type (sword, 
exotic, flail, dagger, axe, mace, polearm, spear, bow or whip) using the 
'wtype' command. This can be useful if you purchase an Aardweapon off of 
auction and it's not your preferred weapon type. Or maybe you were once a 
Ranger and are now a Thief so you want all of your axes to be daggers!

Weapon flags (2TPs)
In the City of Aylor, 'runto wflag' to add/change your weapon's special 
flag. Choices are changing, flaming, frost, sharp, shocking, vampiric or 

Setflags (2TPs)
In the City of Aylor, 'runto remodel' if you are ready to have an 
enchanter enchant your Aardweapon for you (for best results, fully 
tpenchant your weapon FIRST). If you have a Dagger of Aardwolf, for 
instance, you will use the command 'setflag dagger glow hum invis'. This 
will remove the glow and hum flags and add the invis flag.