Note Reading

Help Category : Communication.
Related Helps : Board.
Last Updated  : 2024-02-17 14:45:06.

This help file deals with sorting and reading notes.  To compose a note,
please see 'help note writing'.


note                      Reads next unread note on the current board or
                          moves to next board with unread notes.
note read <number>        Reads a certain note.
note read <last|again>    Re-read last note.
*Note read can be used with additional options listed further down.

note reset <num>          Resets your "last read" pointer.
note reset                Resets last read pointer to previous note read.
                          Can be used repeatedly to move backwards.
note peek <num>           Reads a note without changing last read pointer.
note unread               Shows all unread notes in current board.
note catchup              Marks all notes in current board read.
note catchup all          Marks all notes in all boards except Announce,
                          Mudinfo, and Personal as read.
note from <person>        List notes from a specific person. 'note from
                          will show all notes from any Immortal.
note to <person>          List notes to a specific person.
note subject <text>       Shows all notes with <text> in subject.
note list ([num])         Shows all (or last <number>) notes.

note threads              Lists all threads.
note threadinfo <num>     Shows a particular post summary.
note fullthread <num>     Shows all notes for a particular thread.

These commands are used for reading notes on Aardwolf's boards. There are
boards, each with specific topics.  See 'help board' and 'help subscribe'
for information on the board system itself.  See 'help note writing' for
help on writing notes on these boards.

To read your next unread note, type 'note'. If there are no more notes on
the current board, 'note' will change you to the next subscribed board with
new notes waiting.

To see a list of all notes on a board, type 'note list'. You can also type
'note list <number>' to list only the last <number> notes on a board. Notes
with * before the player's name are currently unread. You can list the
unread notes on the current board by typing 'note unread'.

To read a specific note, type 'note read <number>'. To read the last note
you have read on the current board, type 'note read again'.

There are several ways to view notes from only specific people; you can use
'note subject <specific subject>', 'note to <person/clan>', and 'note from
<person>' to limit notes listed.  The special syntax 'note from imm' will
list notes from all Immortals.

You can set your "last read" pointer by typing 'note reset <number>'. This
will mark the note with the given number and all subsequent notes on the
current board as unread. This can be useful when you want to (re-)read a
thread of notes by typing 'note' without parameters.  You can read a later
note without moving your last read pointer by using 'note peek <number>'.
All notes in the current board can be marked as read by typing 'note
catchup', or use 'note catchup all' to mark all notes (except those on
Announce, Mudinfo, and Personal) as read.

A note and its replies (see details about replies in 'help note writing')
are threaded.  To see all note threads on the current board, type 'note
threads'.  To see which notes are in a thread, use 'note threadinfo <note
number>'.  To quickly list an entire thread of notes, type 'note fullthread
<note number>" or 'note fullthread' by itself to view the entire thread of
the last note read.  This will not affect your unread pointers.  (Note:
threads are still a work in progress.)

Note Read options:

The following options can be added to 'note read' to change how the output
is displayed for the current note only:

   # or 'lines', or 'numbers' : Show line numbers on the note.
   no# or 'nolines'           : Show the note without line numbers.
   'f' or 'format'            : Show the note formatted.
   'nof' or 'noformat'        : Show the note unformatted.
   'pre' or 'prefix'          : Show the note with | prefixes.
   'nopre' or 'noprefix'      : Show the note without | prefixes.
   'again' or 'last'          : Re-read the most recently read note.

For example, 'note read last nof nopre' will show the last note you
read again without formatting or prefixes.

Some of these options temporarily override your permanent settings and
may not always make sense (but are harmless). For example, using 'note
read 12345 prefix' when you already default to using note prefixes.
