
 Help Keywords : Ownedcarry.
 Help Category : Equipment.
 Related Helps : Ownedwhere, Ownership.
 Last Updated  : 2010-05-01 03:52:53.
 Syntax: Ownedcarry (<name>)

 By itself, 'ownedcarry' will list any equipment which you are carrying,
 which is owned by other players.  If an argument is given, only equipment
 owned by a player with the given string in his/her name will be listed.

 Ownedcarry will list the item(s) carried, as well as the owner and any
 container the item may be in.  As with the 'ownedwhere' command, an asterisk
 before the item's level indicates the item has a keepflag, and one after 
 the name indicates the item is currently worn.

 Note- 'owned' will default to 'ownedwhere', not 'ownedcarry'.