
Help Keywords : RAID-Raidstats.
Help Category : Clans.
Related Helps : Allies, Clans, PK, Raiding, Raidtimers, Testraid, Mazeinfo.
Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 17:57:51.
Syntax: Raidstats         : Shows current raid party/timer status.
        Raidstats timers  : Shows current global raid timer settings.
        Raidstats clans   : Shows all clans with a raiding timeout/grace.
        Raidstats -h      : Shows raidinfo history.

The 'raidstat' command displays information about your current raiding
status.  It will show the following:

* If you are in a raiding party, and if that party has targeted a clan.

* Time remaining until the raid ends, if you have successfully breached the
  target clan.

- Which clans can attack you MUDwide if you are flagged as a raider, and
  how long this flag will remain.  ('who raidpk' will show players you may
  currently attack.)

* Timeout before being able to use 'invade' after dying, if applicable.

- Timeout after being evicted as a defender.

'raidstats timers' will show all of the timers and limits used in raiding,
along with a brief description of each (see 'help raidtimers' for detailed
descriptions).  'raidstats clans' will show any clans which have a post-raid
grace period, and how long before that grace will expire (see the middle of
'help raid').  Raid-related info messages are viewable via 'raidstats -h'.