Help Keywords : RETIER REDO.
Help Category : Utility.
Related Helps : Remort, Tier.
Last Updated  : 2023-07-15 12:05:30.

Syntax:  retier [nomastery] [noinstinct]

As of July 2023, retier now does a free rebuild of instinct and mastery.
If you do not want this to happen, add the NOMASTERY and/or NOINSTINCT
 arguments to the command.

- Go to the remort chamber to the northeast of Aylor recall.
- Enter 'remort <any class>' to enable remort mode.
- Do any necessary remort auctions.
- When auctions are complete, type 'retier [nomastery] [noinstinct]'.
- For a tier 9 redo, type 'retier redo [nomastery] [noinstinct]'.
- Choose your new race, class, gender in character creation.

- After recreation:
    * Read help tierpin on how to get your tier pin.
    * Re-train your instinct and mastery if you did not exclude them.
    * Assign your "wish stats" and "tier stats" if available.
