Ranged Tactics

Help Keywords : 'Ranged Tactics'.
Help Category : Features.
Related Helps : Target, Shoot, Ready, Volley.
Last Updated  : 2016-01-07 09:02:17.

Ranged combat (currently Archery) can be used in a number of ways:

* There is no lag on shoot, so shooting a mob from the next room then
  instantly running in to backstab the mob is a great way to kill. 

  Because the backstab is entered from outside the room, this technically 
  runs against the letter of the rules in "help stacking". This is an
  allowed exception and part of the way 'shoot' was designed. See 'help 
  stacked' for more information.

* Many mobs will track you down when you shoot at them. This can often
  be used to help reduce the number of aggro mobs in a room.

* Mobs will usually not track as quickly as you can move. A great way
  to finish them off in a pinch is to flee/retreat and immediately shoot.

* It is completely ok to find one way exits that mobs cannot track you
  through and sit there and shoot them, although in most cases on a 
  regular mob just killing them will be faster.

Other Details

* Ranged combat works fine in PK, but does not work in clan halls.

* If you shoot from outside a room and kill the mob while grouped, 
  you will still get experience and anyone in your group in the same room
  as the mob will also get experience. If you are out of the room and
  someone else in the group kills it, you will not get experience.

* When you kill a mob with ranged combat, any death mobprog on it will
  still run, but there may be errors with you not being in the same room 
  if the mob tries to transfer you on death. We have identified most of 
  these and flagged them up front but some are likely to have been missed, 
  please post them to the bugs board.

* If a mob is wandering through an area trying to find you or you are
  fighting it from several rooms away, there is a much higher chance of
  someone engaging that mob in combat via charge or area spells. It is 
  going to happen and is part of the down side of using ranged combat.

* Getting your arrows tempered by a blacksmith will increase both
  the damage and the number of uses left on a quiver. Amount of damage
  increase is based on the strength of the ore used.
