
Help Keywords : Roster.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Clist, Claninfo, Rankings, Wizlist.
Last Updated  : 2020-11-29 12:19:46.
Syntax:  roster (<clan short name>) <sort type>
         roster <helper|advisor> <1|10>

The 'roster' command is used to list the members of a clan and display 
member lists in various orders.  To see your own clan's rosters, simply
use 'roster <sort type>'.

'Helper' and 'Advisor' options are also available instead of a clan
name, to show those types of players.  Only roster options 1 and 10 are
available for these groups.

The sort types available are:
   1 - Player name.
   2 - Clan rank. 
   3 - Player level.
   4 - Date last on.
   5 - Primary class.
   6 - Current race.
   7 - Gold donated (own clan only).
   8 - Quest points donated (own clan only).
   9 - Clan tax paid (own clan only).
  10 - Level, tier, and classes for each player.