 Help Keywords : SLIST.
 Help Category : Information.
 Related Helps : Tags, spelltags.
 Last Updated  : 2012-07-04 10:02:45.
 Syntax:   slist
           slist learned
           slist affected
           slist recoveries

 The slist command is used to create lists of skills/spells in a format
 easy for clients to capture and use, and to tie skills and spells to the
 recoveries they rely on.

 Sample output from slist is:


 The order of fields is:

      SN, Name, target, duration, Pct, recovery, type

      SN         : Spell number as seen in 'showskill'
      Name       : Name of the skill or spell.
      Target     : 0 - Special. Target decided in spell (gate etc)
                   1 - Attack. 
                   2 - Spellup.
                   3 - Self only.
                   4 - Object
                   5 - Other. Spell has extended / unique syntax.

      Duration   : If you are affected by the spell, duration in seconds.
                   0 if not affected.

      Pct        : Percent practiced.

      Recovery   : If the skill/spell relies on a recovery to be useable,
                   the recovery number is here.

      Type       : 1 = Spell, 2 = Skill

 Some lines in slist and some failure messages refer to recoveries. Slist
 with no arguments shows the list of recoveries at the end, or 'slist
 recoveries' shows just recoveries:

 16,Totem Aid,0
 18,Shielding Timeout,0