 Help Keywords : SUSPEND ACTIVATE.
 Help Category : Utility.
 Related Helps : Freeze, Recreate, Delete, Password, Afk.
 Last Updated  : 2009-12-11 14:28:46.
 Syntax: suspend <password>
         activate <password>

 Some players connect to Aardwolf from a public place and would like to be
 able to 'lock' their characters for a while so that no-one can interfere with
 their character if they are away from their computer. 

 The command 'suspend <password>' Will put your character into a suspended
 mode, and you will not be able to carry out any actions until you cancel
 suspend mode with 'activate <password>'.

 WARNING: Don't assume this command is 100% secure. Many clients store command
 history, and someone else at your screen may be able to view that history to
 see what your password was. If your computer has a locking feature itself
 (ie, Windows 2000, Xterm), we strongly recommend using that instead.