
Exit: This will trigger the mprog when a visible player attempts to exit the room in the direction specified. In other words, if the mob has detect_hidden, it can see hidden and sneaking players, who will activate the mprog on exit. If the mob does not have detect_hidden, hidden or sneaking players will not activate the mprog on exit. If this mprog is triggered, the player cannot move through the exit and must be moved with a transfer or gtransfer command. The pattern is the number of the exit you wish the mprog to trigger on. 0 = north, 1 = east, 2 = south, 3 = west, 4 = up, 5 = down.

To set this trigger, use the following syntax.

addmprog <vnum> exit <# of exit>

Examples: addmprog 3001 exit 2 addmprog 3001 exit 5